

GET 70% OFF Your Setup Fee
2019 Convention Special Offer!

Save 70% off Setup Fee!

Now Only $162.00



Increase Candidate Response!

Your candidates are busy!  So Are You!
Set them up for success early, with an improved process that will help them create their best resume with less effort from you!

Enabling Precision

Let your expertise shine! We export to MS Word so you can easily put the finishing touches on your candidate's resume! Letting you spend time where you create the most value!

Formatted Export!

Spending time formatting resumes is tedious! We take your candidate's responses and put them into the standardized template so you can submit their resume faster!

Get Your Time Back

Our Simple Process allows you to increase your effectiveness by spending time doing revenue producing activities.  Leave the time consuming work to us!


Subscribe today and be the first to use the newest tool in building your business, saving time and money, while increasing candidate buy-in and responsiveness.

Accurately build your candidates’ resumes online or provide the candidate the opportunity to login though your secure, private link and complete their resume.

As an early subscriber, you will be the first in line to have your customized system up and running. Setup fee includes the month of May when the site is launched. Your first monthly billing will begin June 1, 2019.

YES! I Want The Limited Time Discount!

Get The Discount!


Can I start the resume generation process and let the candidate complete?

Yes! Should your recruiter start the Phone Screen process and run out of time to collect all the accomplishments, the system allows recruiters to start the resume generation and then send the link to the candidate to complete the data collection.

Can screened candidates start and finish the resume creation?

Yes! Should your candidate not be able to provide the accomplishments information while on the Phone Screen, a link to the system can be sent to the candidate allowing them to quickly create a login and walk through the collection of personal contact information, education and reference data as well as employment history with self-selected accomplishments and awards.

Does the resume export to a formatted MS Word document?

Yes! The system takes completed or partially completed data and exports it to the standard Patrice & Associates Word format. Recruiters are then able to edit the resume and fine-tune any part of the Word document.